Apple CO. invited all the users of this iPhone to get to the nearest formal Apple store to solve the battery problem of the iPhone 6 S Plus and the new version of it 4.7 inches.
Apple declared that all the iPhone 6 S and i phone 6 S Plus will be changed or repaired in case of any battery problem. More over apple has got another if for presenting free hardware services that what if they have battery problem to turn the phone on, then they can take these free hardware services.
Users should be aware of the exact time of the iPhone publication, to get sure about it they can visit the www.checkcoverage.apple.com and inter the serial number of the iPhone.
Users can get to the apple stores and take free services for changing battery and repairing after getting all information about selling and presenting time of the iPhone. Don’t forget that these free facilities have limited time so, be hurry to get these free services before getting too late.
As a result, it seems that some of the iPhone presented to the market in October 2018 till Aguest 2019 have some battery problems or more.
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